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isolateHook accepts a hook and returns an IsolatedHook.

Import isolateHook:

import { isolateHook } from 'isolate-react'

Isolate a hook:

const useCounter = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

return {
increment: () => setCount(x => x + 1)

const isolated = isolateHook(useCounter)

console.log(isolated()) // => 0


An IsolatedHook is returned by isolateHook.

It is a function that wraps the hook -- so it accepts the same parameters that the hook function accepts:

const useHello = (name: string) => `Hello ${name}`

const testHello = isolateHook(useHello)

// testHello takes the same parameters as useHello
console.log(testHello("Trillian")) // => Hello Trillian

IsolatedHook: Typescript type declaration​

Sometimes it is convenient to initialize the isolated hook separately from its declaration.

If you're using typescript, type that declaration like this:

let testHello: IsolatedHook<typeof useHello>

// ...

testHello = isolateHook(useHello)

Helper methods​

An isolated hook has some helper methods that are useful when testing hook loigc:


Returns the return value from the last invocation of the hook. Does not execute the hook function.

const useHello = (name: string) => `Hello ${name}`

const testHello = isolateHook(useHello)

console.log(testHello.currentValue()) // Hello Trillian


Cleans up the hook by running any effect cleanup functions returned from useEffect or useLayoutEffect.

const useHelloGoodbye = () => {
useEffect(() => {
return () => { console.log('Goodbye') }
}, [])

const testHelloAndGoodbye = isolateHook(useHelloAndGoodbye)

testHelloAndGoodbye() // Logs 'Hello'
testHelloAndGoodbye.cleanup() // Logs 'Goodbye'


Re-executes the hook function, with the parameters from the most recent invocation.

const useLogHello = (name: string) => {
console.log(`Hello ${name}`)

const testLogHello = isolateHook(useLogHello)

testLogHello('Arthur') // => logs 'Hello Arthur'
testLogHello.invoke() // => logs 'Hello Arthur'


Returns a promise that resolves with the next value of the hook after it is executed.

Useful for testing hooks with asynchronous behavior.

const useDelayedAnswer = () => {
// initial value
const [answer, setAnswer] = useState("unknown")

// update the value 100 milliseconds later
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => { setAnswer("forty-two") }, 100)
}, [])

return answer

const testDelayedAnswer = isolateHook(useDelayedAnswer)
console.log(testDelayedAnswer()) // => 'unknown'

// wait for the next invocation of the hook
const updated = await testDelayedAnswer.waitForUpdate()

console.log(updated) // => 'forty-two'
console.log(testDelayedAnswer.currentValue()) // => 'forty-two'

setContext(ContextType, value)​

Sets a context value used by the hook and executes the hook, if necessary.

Note that the hook will not be executed if it does not use the specified context.

const NameContext = createContext('Zaphod')

const useHelloContext = () => {
const name = useContext(NameContext)
return `Hello ${name}`

const testHelloContext = isolateHook(useHelloContext)

console.log(testHelloContext()) // => Hello Zaphod

testHelloContext.setContext(NameContext, 'Trillian')

console.log(testHelloContext()) // => Hello Trillian

setRef(index, value)​

Sets the value of a ref. Does not execute the hook function.

const useHelloRef = () => {
const name = useRef('Ford').current
return `Hello ${name}`

const testHelloRef = isolateHook(useHelloRef)

console.log(testHelloRef()) // => Hello Ford

// The first argument is the zero-based index of the ref,
// in order of the calls to useRef within the hook function
testHelloRef.setRef(0, 'Trillian')

console.log(testHelloRef()) // => Hello Trillian